Lodge St. Andrew No 524


1945 - 1964


Bro. A. Anderson, R.W.M. in 1945, maintained the momentum set in 1944 - seeing 27 new members join the Lodge. The pace could be said to have increased as Bro. Anderson held 24 meetings during the year - 9 Regular and 15 Emergency. He Chaired them all - being assisted in the Working by a long list of Bros.: J. Mackie, J. Leggat, J. Templeton, A. Smillie, A. Moffat, J. Barr and A. Wilson. Visiting Lodges also assisted; Lodges 116, 384, 1231, headed by their R.W.M.s Bros. W. McChesney, J. Kerr and M. Mason. The Degree working by Lodge 116 was in the hands of one Captain .J. Johnstone. Bro. R. Currie P.M., conducted the Mark Degree with 17 “going through“. A visitation by Lodge St. Andrew to Avon, Glassford is recorded when a M.M. Degree was carried out by Bro. A. Y. Marshall, P. M.

Two interesting applications received at this time were from Andrew Marshall and John Tennant. It is also recorded that a Military Medal had been awarded to one of 1945's candidates: C. C. Taylor.

Lodge Benevolence lay in the granting of £30 to the Daughter of a deceased Brother, to Glasgows Hospitals and to the Y.M.C.A. “National War Service Fund'' The R.W.M. and Bro. A. Moffat, S.W., were appointed as representatives to the local “Welcome Home Fund committee“. The Obituaries of 4 Brothers were given:- Bros. G. Hocknull, W. Dunsdale, W. Nicol and P. Chalmers P.M. Bro. P. Chalmers had been a real pillar of strength to the Lodge over a very long period. A very fine donation was made to Lodge by Bro. A. Moffat of an Organ, to replace that “destroyed by the Military''. Too late to claim for them - the Lodge realized that a large Table and 10 8ft forms were missing after the Military requisition was over. Hall let charges were revised and it was agreed that the Lodge would charge itself for Meetings held. On the 22nd May 1945 the Brethren returned, for their Meetings, to the Masonic Hall. The first degree worked was that of the Mark. The Hall was agreed to be better than ever before and a vote of thanks to the Sub-Committee responsible was recorded. Two Social Functions held soon afterwards realized £16.14.0 profit - A welcome sum. It was agreed to have a cup of tea after each meeting - a Collection to be uplifted during this to defray its expenses. The County Architect obliged the Lodge to add a second exit to meet safety regulations. The Hall Keeper,

Miss Mackie, being ill, resigned and was replaced by Bro. A. McMillan. Provincial Grand Lodge made their visit on 8th May 1945: “V.E. Day“. One can guess that all present enjoyed a very Happy Harmony.

Bro. D. Cameron P. M. was now Provincial Senior Deacon and Bro. T. Hart, P.G.M. had been recommended for yet another term of Office. The Elections for 1946 gave Bro. A. Moffat as R.W. M.-Elect; T. Pettigrew Sub-Master, and Wardens A. Wilson and J. Mackie. The Secretary was Bro. J. Barr. The Master-Elects own Brother, Bro. R. Moffat P. M. as depute-M. Installing Masters where Bros. R. Moffat and J. Shedden. At Grand Lodge the New Grand Master was Bro. Randolph, 12th Earl Galloway.


Bro. A. Moffat may not have been so learned as his Bro. Robert who had earlier been R.W.M. of Lodge. However, Bro. Andrew, having gained the Chair in 1946 certainly kept his end-up and, before the year was ended, proved his worth. A record number of Initiates joined the Lodge - no less than 45. To these were added 3 Affiliates. And, necessarily, a record number of meetings were held; 9 Regular and 15 Special. No doubt the members of H.M. Forces, returning to Civilian life swelled the numbers joining. Many new names were to be found amongst the Workers: Bros. Higgins. W. Young, D. Shearer, G. Currie, J. Cochrane, R. Glendinning, A. Anderson and Bro. Bathgate. Bro. Bathgate was one of the Bros. affiliated and carried out a Degree on the same night. Lodges Cambuslang No. 114 and Livingstone 599 also assisted under their R.W.M.s Bros. Orr and Clark. The Lodge, in return, travelled to Lodges Burns St. Mary No. 505 and to Loch Fyne No. 754 to confer Degrees. The R.W.M. attended the Semi-Jubilee of Lodge Eaglesham No. 1265. The Mark for 1946 was in the hands of P.M. Bro. R. Moffat. Applications of note, in 1946, were from Q. Watt, W. Wallace, W. Grant. G. Glendinning and C. Limond. Donations were made as usual to Glasgows Hospitals and a Brother also received £12 in Benevolence. Provincial Grand Lodge also provided Benevolence in a Grant £25 to a deceased Brothers daughter. They made their Annual Visit in May and declared a Clear Minute for 1945. Bro. T. Hart. P.G.M., was reported ill at this time. Obituaries recorded were of Bros. J. McCallum, D. Sloan, A. McMillan, G. Warnock, J. Wallace and J. Terrace. And, on the 10th December, the long serving Provincial Grand Master. Bro. Thomas Hart, also died. He had served as P.G.M. for 17 years and attained the Rank of Grand Senior Warden. We have no doubt he was greatly missed. Lodge Social Activities too had taken an upward surge. Bro. A. Smillie, through the year, paid in some £65 from a series of Functions held. 7 White Lamb-skin Aprons were amongst the items bought. The Sociai (committee was of J . Mackie Junior Warden/ Convenor, Bros. Young, Cowan, Higgins,

Smillie and Malcolm. The Hall itself' gained by the acquisition of Crockery (£15.8.0) and Glasses (£1.15.0) with Tables and Forms. The Hall was now open every Tuesday evening with Instruction Classes being held every other Tuesday. The Hall-keepers wages were boosted by an agreed payment of 10% of Lets Income. Some evidence of Dry-Rot had appeared by Main doorway. Both the re-printed Financial Statement for 1945, presented in January, and that for October 1946. presented in December, were passed as in order and highly praised by Lodge and Provincial Grand Lodge. The Honoraria to Secretary; Treasurer and loller were increased to 12, 7 and 4 Guineas respectively. An appreciation to the Bros. A. J. and W. McLachlan for repairs to Lodges is recorded this being the second of such. One is also recorded to P.M. Bro. R. Moffat for his labours as Secretary and on the Committee which regained the Hall from the Military Authorities. And, to Bro. Hedley, who had left the District, a Masonic Apron was presented. Bro. D. Cameron P.M./ Secretary donated a number of books to Lodge and Bro. J. Shedden P. M. was appointed Librarian. An interesting Visitor during the year was Bro. Weir of Lodge Southern Cross No. I 740, Corduba, Argentine. A Bro. A. Morrison reported on visits to many Lodges in Devon during part of his Wartime Services and a letter was received from Bro. Major (now Lt. Colonel) Murdoch to say he was visiting many Lodges abroad in the name of “524”. The elections for 1947 gave as R.W.M.-Elect Bro. A. Wilson with Bro. A. Anderson as Sub-master, Bros. J. R. Mackie and A. Nicholson became Wardens and, at the Installation, Bro. M. Bickett P.M. was nominated Dap-master. The Installing Masters in December were the long established “Old Firm'' Bros. A. Y. Marshall and T. McAulay. Due to the death of the P.G.M. earlier, there was a meal only after the Installation the Harmony being cancelled.


Following the post-war peak of admissions in 1946, Bro. A. Wilson, R.W.M. 1947, saw 21 candidates added to the Roll, with 2 Honorary members. Again a large number of Meetings were held; 9

regular and 11 special. New names among the Degree workers were those of Bros. T. Malcolm and A. Paton, with the R.W.M. also participating. Lodge No. 244 Storehouse, under its R.W.M. Bro. Hawthorn also assisted. The Mark Degree was carried out by Lodge No. 505. Burns St Mary, of Hurlford. For their work here both the R.W.M. Bro. Donnelly and the I.P.M. Bro. H. Hunter received Honorary Membership.

Visits were made by the Lodge to Lodge Cumberland Kilwinning No. 215 (E.C.) at their 200th Anniversary and to the Consecration of Lodge the Royal Stuart No. 1414. Provincial Grand Lodge visited in April under Bro. Inglis, S.P.G.M. and declared a Clear minute. Bro. Sam B. Love had earlier become the new Provincial Grand Master. Lodge St. Andrew had reached its 75th year in 1947. But, sadly, no reference to this appears in Lodge minutes. The announcement (designation) of the New Town of East Kilbride was also made in 1947 - but here again Lodge minutes make no reference. Lodge Benevolence reached something of a record peak in 1947 with £100 being granted. These were however to 2 persons only. One of £20 to a Brother and 2 of £40 each to the daughter of a deceased Brother. In the latter case Grand Lodge also granted £40. Some 5 Obituaries were reported; Bros. J . Stanger, J. Hastie, A. Shierlaw, W. Taylor and the Lodges oldest member - 94 year old Bro. R. Russell. The Social Committeecontinued to work very successfully and contributed no less than £70 throughout the year. Of note is the firm arrangement recorded for the Mark harmony:- “Tickets 2/- each; Visitors excused; no free beer“. The Annual Ball in October was voted a success and, it is recorded, Regalia was worn with permission. Lodge Secretary, who had resigned in January but later withdrew this, endeavoured to do so again in October. It was then minuted that the Lodge would not accept even this second resignation. The Financial Statement to October 1947 was accepted and, as funds were adjudged to be good, it was agreed to consider Investing part. Lodge Auditors were Bros. R. Currie, A. Y. Marshall and J. Shedden. The Honoraria for the year was passed at 20, 7 and 4 Guineas to Secretary, Treasurer and Tyler respectively. The Elections for 1948 caused Bro. J. R. Mackie to become R.W.M.-elect. Bros. A. Thomson and W. Young became Wardens with Bro. A. Moffat as Sub-Master. The new Secretary was Bro. A. Anderson P. M. Bros. M. Bickett was re-nominated as Depute-Master. Thus prepared, the Lodge moved into the 4th Quarter of its history.....


1948 - the year of Bro. J . Mackie (Snr) as R.W. M. was a moderate year in which 22 members joined the Lodge with 1 Affiliate. Lodge Regular Meetings were doubled to 2 per month in October (the Second and Fourth Tuesdays) - the years total of meetings being 12 Regular and 7 Special. The Working was as always by P.M.s of the Lodge with new names showing; Bros. Johnstone, G. Glendinning, A. Smillie and D. Shearer. Lodge Livingstone No. 599 also assisted eluder its R.W.M Bro. Craig. Lodge St. Andrew itself visited Lodges 505 and 1194 to confer degrees. New applications

during the year were from Bros. D. Bilsland, A. Currie, J. H. Mackie and M . Park. Lodge Benevolence was in 2 payments totalling £17 to 2 Bros. The Lodge also subscribed £25 to what is vaguely minuted

as “Grand Lodge Centenary. At Grand Lodge Bro. Dr. A. Buchan had become Grand Secretary. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual Visit Parkhill - were appointed to the British Legion Committee which was preparing the War Memorial. A £5 Donation was also made to assist this task. At the Hall itself a Donation of 6 Doz. Glasses was made by Bro. A. Thomson aid Bro. Gilfind printed the names of the R.W.M.s of the Lodge to date on the R.W.M.s Board in East. A gas-geyser for hot water was also installed. The Social Committee continued to show a profit and were heartily congratulated.

During 1948 some £80 was paid in by them - making some £260 in 3 years! They also bought collecting bags at a cost of £7.10.0. The Treasurers Financial Statement to September 1948 presented in December was unanimously accepted. Obituaries reported were of Bros. A. Garroway and at Provincial Grand Lodge - Bro. J. Pollock P.M./116 and P.G.S.M . Bro. Pollock’s death was a sudden one. Also, in February, the Lodge lost one of its greatest Pillars; P.M. Bro. T. McAulay. At the Masonic Funeral Service the Rev. Bro. B. Falconer of Lodge 2 l 5 was the Officiating Minister; the Readings were by Bro. A. Y. Marshall P.M. and Regalia was worn. Later, in Lodge, Bro. Marshall paid tribute to Bro. McAulay who had joined in 1918, been R.W. M. in 1923 and 1924 and served Lodge,

selflessly, for 30 years. Letters of condolence were received from many sources including Lodges 505, 557, 1230. The elections for 1949 brought Bro. A. Thomson to R.W.M.-elect with Bros. W. Young and J. Templeton, Wardens. The new Secretary was Bro. J. B. Parkhill, M.M., and Bro. M . Bickett was Dep.-Master once again. There were some 5 Ballots amongst the Offices on this occasion.

The Installing Masters in December were Bros. A.Y. Marshall and T. Pettigrew.


Meetings in 1949 numbered 21 (18 Regular and 3 special) of which Bro. A. Thomson chaired 15. No reference is made to illness so we must assume business commitments caused him to miss some 6 meetings. Initiates for the year were 22 with 1each Affiliates and Honorary members. Our Honorary member was Bro. G. Clark P.M. Lodge Livingstone, No. 599. Working during the year was in the hands of Lodge P.M.s with Bros. T. Malcolm and J. Leggatt assisting. Visiting Lodges which also assisted were Lodges 505, 1194 and 1386 under their R.W. M.s: Bros. Johnson, Graham and Donaldson respectively. Two Mark Degrees during the year were conferred by Bro. A. Moffat P. M. and by Lodge 'The Kings Park'' No. 1386. Lodge St. Andrew itself travelled out to Lodges No. 599 and 1386 to confer degrees. Applications of interest during the year included Bros. R. Pratt T. Mitchell and Neil McMillan (Jnr). Bro. Neil was Great Grandson to our Founder S.D.- also Bro. Neil McMillan. Lodge Benevolence lay in £5 to the daughter of a deceased Brother to which Provincial Grand Lodge added £30. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual Visit in April under the P.G.M. Bro. Samuel Love. A Clear Minute was declared. At this period Bros. M. Bickett and A. Moffat P.M.s were P.G.L. Steward and Committee member respectively. The Obituaries of 4 Bros. were reported: Bros. J. McKnight, A. Cunningham, J. Morrison and J. Brown. In the Hall the condition of the floor called for repair and the Piano. having fallen into disrepair, was replaced at a cost of some £40. Clearly Pianos had not yet become a glut on the Market. A very acceptable donation of 2 Masters Chairs was made to the Lodge by the R.W.M. and his wife. These are in full use today and much admired. A Lodge Clock was also donated by Bro. J. Templeton. J.W. Lodge regalia Jewels, Sashes and the like were made up to full strength at this time. A proposal that when the Lodge set out on Visitation to confer Degrees the Transport Costs be paid by Lodge was agreed. P. M. Bro. M. Bickett reported attending the Consecration of Lodge 1435. Innellan. The New War Memorial Service was held on 8th May of the year.

The full impact of the New Town of East Kilbride, which was growing apace and all around the village, was borne in on our predecessors in Lodge when, in September, they debated the suitability of the Hall and its site to meet future requirements. Bro. A. Y. Marshall P.M. was called upon to meet the E.K.D.C. and to discuss this with them on behalf of the Lodge. The reply from the E.K.D.C. when reported. was not encouraging. The E.K.D.C. declined to “grant'' the Lodge added ground for building stating that they (the E.K.D.C.) would be erecting Halls for Letting. Up to the time of the Lodge Centenary, in 1972, the Development Corporation held to this policy. Perhaps they will yet relent - the adjacent ground has not yet been developed!

The successful run of some 3 years by the Social Committee appears here to be interrupted. Its composition underwent a change with Bros. A. Smillie and T. Malcolm retiring and others, such as Bros. G. Glendinning, A. Marshall and J. Leggatt, coming on. It was proposed that the late committee should receive a belated ''night-out'' to supper and a Theatre and the new Committee set out on its task. During the year following Bro. W. Young donated some £27 to the Lodge from the Committee. Lodge Annual Ball was in November and regalia worn by permission of Provincial Grand Lodge.

The Nomination and elections for l 950's Office Bearers led to Bro. W. Young becoming Master Elect. P.M.s Bros. J. Mackie and A. Anderson were Sub and Dep Masters respectively with Bros. J. Templeton and R. Glendinning Wardens. Installing Masters in December were P.M.s Bros. A. Y. Marshall and T. Pettigrew. At Grand Lodge the new Grand Master was Bro. Sir Charles M. Barclay-Harvey of Kinord.


Bro. W. Young, R.W.M. 1950, in 18 Regular Meetings saw 24 New Members join the Lodge with 1 Affiliate. Amongst the Degree workers we find Bros. R. and G. Glendinning, J. McLachlan, J. Leggatt

and D. Shearer. Also, at a Special Meeting, we find Lodge Hamilton, Kilwinning, No. 7, conferring the Mark Degree at Lodge St Andrew, when 18 Master Masons were advanced. Lodge Benevolence was in 2 cases where a total of £40 was granted, to one of which Provincial Grand Lodge added £40 in Annuity. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual Visit, again in April, declared a Clear Minute

and congratulated Lodge upon its healthy financial state. The Provincial Grand Master requested R.W.M.s not to surrender their Mallets - emblems of Power and Authority to Visiting Brothers. Whilst it is not so minuted we would assume the Lodge Ceremonial Mallet should be used in such situations. It was also indicated at this time that Grand Lodge desired all Daughter Lodges to appoint a Lodge Almoner. A long list of Obituaries were reported; those of Bros. C. Thomson, A. Andrews, J. McKay, W. Craig, W. Ainslie, W. Caullay and that of the P.G.D.M. Bro. Ingles. At the Hall a bill for recent repairs reached £109, the Organ repair £4.10.0 and it was agreed to lay Lino in Ladies Room and Hall Passageways. A leather case for the R.W.M.s regalia was purchased, as were an Ambulance-Box and 6 White Jackets for use at the Third Degree. Lodge Property Insurance was taken out at a Premium of £9 P.A. whilst the Lodge Cottage had a new Tenant, a Miss J. Mackie, at a Rent of £10 P.A.

The Social Committee which had been re-elected en-bloc early in the year received the resignations of Bros. C. McMillan and Geo. Glendinning. These were made up by the co-option of Bros. W. Wallace and Robert Glendinning. During the year the Committee donated to the Lodge the sum of £24.9.0. Lodge Finances were reviewed and this led to the sums of even and £200. from the Savings and the Commutation Fee funds being invested in war Loan at 3.5% interest. At the A.G.M. in November the Financial Statement was found to contain no Bank Interest on the Income Side. This was challenged by P.M. Bro. M . Bickett who was assured it would show in 1951. This did not suffice and it was moved to refer the statement back to Auditors and Treasurer. An amendment by P.M.s Bros. A. Y. Marshall and A. Nicholson called for its acceptance and was so carried. The Elections for 1951 gave Bro. J . Templeton as R.W.M.-e1ect. His Wardens were Bros. R. Glendinning and D. Shearer. The Lodges first Almoner was Bro. R. Strutt, P. M. Not, we are sure, the Lodges first Sick Visitor but this was a new ‘’Office“. The Installing Masters in December were P.M.s Bros. A. Thomson and T. Pettigrew.


1951, a “quiet'' year, was the year of Bro. J . Templeton - himself a quiet man. Some 20 meetings led to 20 Candidates joining dodge. The Work being carried out by such as D.Hood P.M. and Bros. R. Glendinning, D. Shearer and A. Anderson. Lodge No. 557, High Blantyre, assisted on 2 occasions one of which was Mark Degree in May. Their R.W. M. was Bro. Frew. Lodge St. Andrew travelled once again to Lodge Hurlford No. 505. Lodge Rutherglen No. 116 also visited “524” when a lecture on Freemasonry was delivered by Bro. Johnstone, the R.W.M. of 116 being Bro. Hamilton.

Lodge Benevolence reached £30 for 2 cases and some 7 Obituaries were noted; Bros. L. Currie, T. Kelly, T. Stark, D. Hendry, J. Callagan, A. Wllson, and that of P.M. Bro. T. Lennox. In the Hall the Lodge was obliged to create an Emergency Exit which cost £68 and at Lodge Cottage ceiling repairs became necessary. The Social Committee Donations by Bro. W. Young were £25.1 .0. The R.W.M. gave reports of visits to the Opening of the New Masonic Home, Ault Wharrie, at Dunblane and to a meeting of the “Masonic Benevolence Council No. 6” at Paisley. The Rev. Bro. D. Seath, retiring as

P.G.C., the lodge subscribed £1 to the Testimonial. Bro. Seath had indeed served Masonry well. In a remarkable period, not without debate, the Lodge agreed to pay the Expenses of the R.W. M. and Wardens to Grand Lodge and to Provincial Grand Lodge in the sums of $1.1.0 and 5/- for each, and to each. It was also agreed to pay the expenses of those who participated in the Province Bowls and Golf tournaments. And finally, to provide the R.W.M. and Wardens with Tickets to the Annual Dinner at Provincial Grand Lodge. The Provincial Grand Lodge held their Inspection of the Lodge in March under P.G.D.M. Bro. R. McMenemy when they issued a Clear Minute with the rider that “no Interest Income had been declared on Funds in Bank“. Lodge Auditors were Bros. D. Hood and J. Shedden P.M.s. At the A.G.M. in November it was asked, when the Financial Statement had been presented by Bro. D. Cameron P.M., why the sum of £300 War Stocks had been withdrawn from Benevolent Funds. It was explained that this had been necessary to obtain cash to meet payments being made from this Fund. On the Motion of P.M.s Bros. M . Bickett and A. Anderson the Financial Statement was accepted. The General Committee later recommended to Lodge that a Testimonial should be given to Bro. D. Cameron for his years of service as Lodge treasurer.

At Provincial Grand Lodge the P.G.M. Bro. S. Love was soon to retire - the Bros. of Lodge St. Andrew nominated Bro. R. McMenemy to succeed. The Elections for 1952 gave Bro. R. Glendinning the post of R.W.M.-Elect. His Wardens were Bros. D. Shearer and J . McLachlan and P.M.s Bros. W.Young and A. Anderson were Sub and Dep. Masters respectively. The new lodge treasurer was Bro. Ian Christie. At the Installation in December P.M.s Bros. D. Hood and A. Anderson officicated.


1952, Bro. Glendinning's year as Master was, as we shall see, a momentous one. Not however in a creditable manner which was unfortunate, and ironic, for the Lodge never had a more meticulous

Master. However, despite set-backs, there were 33 Initiates and 1 each of Affiliates and Honorary Members. These were admitted during some 17 Regular Meetings to which, perforce, 8 Special had to be added. Degree Work was by Bros. Brown, Tennant, Hood and Grant assisted by Lodges 458 and 1231 under their R.W.M.s Bros. Twynholm and Lindsay. The Working for Lodge 458 was by P. M. - Bro. J. Orr a well known Brother indeed. At this time he received Honorary Membership of St. Andrew. The Mark Degree in 1952 was by Lodge Rutherglen No. 116 under its R.W.M.

Bro. Mclvor. Bro. J. McLachlan J.W., reported attending the consecration of Lodge Nitshill No. 1478. A Bro. Yeamon of the English Constitution who had attended a number of Lodge meetings was bade farewell by the members on his returning to England. A Bro. H. Stewart was thanked for donating a Masonic Apron and Table Drapes whilst it was agreed to purchase a new Lodge carpet at a cost of £30. The Social Committee ran a Burns Supper in January and an Annual Ball in November. They were pleased to receive permission from Provincial Grand Lodge for the wearing of Regalia at this Ball Bro. R. McMenemy had by that time become P.G.M. The Lodge donated £2.2.0 to both the Blind Appeal and Earl Haig Fund. Obituaries in 1952 were indeed of notable Brothers; Bros. D. Hood,

P.M., R. Bedford, P.M., W. Young, P.M ., and that of Bro. H.M. King George VI, M.W.P.G.M., Scotland. 3 months mourning was decreed by Grand Lodge for H.M. King George VI and a Memorial Service was held 21st February of the year.

Bro. W. Young P.M. received a Masonic Funeral at which Bro. Rev. W. Wright of Lodge 116 Officiated. It was in January of the year that the Lodge experienced a sever set-back to its Administrative Working. The shocking and saddening situation occupied the lodge and its members for most of that year. Following the Installing of the Lodges new Treasurer, Bro. I. Christie, it was revealed that the Lodges accounts were some £1650 short, in its Book-Keeping, prior to his assuming Office. The Brother concerned made full restitution before the year was ended. The Lodge was moved to expel the offending Brother but this was reduced to expulsion “sine-die'' by Grand Committee in Edinburgh. Provincial Grand Lodge, making their Official Visit in April were good enough to provide a Clear Minute having made due reference to the above. At Provincial Grand Lodge Bro. S. Love having retired as P.G.M. he was succeeded by Bro. R. McMenemy. In Lodge St. Andrew the Elections for 1953 gave Bro. D. Shearer the Office of R.W.M.-Elect. His Wardens were Bros. .J. McLachlan and J. Leggatt and, at the Installation, Bro. T. Pettigrew became Depute-Master.


Bro. D. Shearer, R.W.M. 1953, chaired all of his 18 Regular Meetings. 16 New Members joined the Lodge and noted Applications were from Jas. Hutchison, H. Morrison and, for Affiliation Bro. J. McLatchie.

The R.W.M. himself took part in Degree working assisted by Bros. Tennant and T. Mitchell. Lodges No. 1265 and 426 also took part under their R.W.M as Bros. Jamieson and Taylor, respectively.

Lodge No. 426 conferred the Mark Degree. During the year the Lodge donated £10.10.0 to the Coronation Fund; £10.0.0 to the Masonic Homes Fund and £2.2.0 to the Earl Haig. In the Hall interior painting cost £111 and it was also agreed to purchase Slippers, Hoodwinks and 2 Wardens Cases. The Wardens reported visiting Lodge St. John, Busby's presentation to P.M. Bro. J. Orr and the Lodge said farewell to Bro. J. Peacock - off to Australia. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual Visit in April and declared a Clear Minute for 1952. It was also stated that the Wearing of Regalia at Dances and the like would no longer be permitted by Grand Lodge. The Bros. of Lodge were not pleased at this development. Grand Lodge too issued new rules and regulations to govern the Auditing of Lodge Books arid the duties of Lodge Auditors. The Elections for 1954 gave Bro. J. McLachlan the Office of R.W.M-Elect. His Wardens were Bros. J. Leggatt and J. Tennant. The Substitute and Depute Masters were P.M.s Bros. R. Glendinning and A. Anderson respectively. And at Grand Lodge the new Grand Master was Bro. Alexander, 7th Lord MacDonald of Sleat.


During 1954, Bro Jonathan McLachan R.W.M., held 18 Regular Meetings, all of which he Chaired himself. The Degree working was well shared out among some 10 Brothers of the Lodge and Lodges Kings Park and Tollcross. 22 Candidates were initiated and amongst the 2 affiliated members was Bro. Jas. McLatchie of Lodge St. Mungo No. 27. The Mark Degree was conferred by Bro. A. Anderson, P.M., on 18 Master Masons. Many Visitations were reported by Brethren to various lodges and to P.G. L. and to G/Lodge. The Lodge officially visited Lodge Tollcross, 1194, when Bro. A. Y. Marshall,

P.M, conferred the Third Degree. Benevolence was extended during the year to a Brother, £5 and to a Widow £10. The Benevolent Collections taken up for Prov. and Grand Lodges were 17/- and £7.12.5 respectively. These totals were made up to £15.15.0. The average lodge collection reached £1.12.0 per meeting and average Harmony ticket sales equalled £5.8.0. This last total represented some 54 Brothers of the Lodge attending Harmonies. The principal drain on Lodge monies at this time appeared to be fuel which cost £23.10.0 for the year. Obituaries reported were of Bros. N. Buchanan and J. Colllgan (Snr). In September too the Worthy Bro. A. Y. Marshall P.M. was reported ill. The Lodge Organ which had begun to show signs of age, required repair this was agreed. Whilst it was agreed to increase Hall Rent to £2.10.0 per day it was also agreed to 'grant' the British Legion and the O.E.S. the use of the Hall. A motion to change the Meeting night to a Wednesday was defeated.

50 Masonic Calendars were ordered for 1955 and the Annual Ball was reported to have been successful.

Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual visit in April; Bro. R. McMenemy P.G.M. and 24 of his Colleagues. A Clear Minute was inscribed for Bro. D. Shearers “Year” and approval given to the presentation of Distinguished Service Diplomas to Bros. A. Y. Marshall, P.M. and to Bro. R. Strutt, P.M. Permission was also given to hold the next Installation on the Saturday following the second

Tuesday in December but the Lodge was directed to amend its Byelaws accordingly. Brother James C. Leggatt was Elected R.W.M. for the Year 1955. He was Installed such in December by

Bros. T. Johnstone P.G.D.M. and H. Blain P.G.S.M. This ended the Year as R.W.M. for Bro. Jonathan, as he was to become affectionally known, but his work in the Lodge was far from over.


Brother James Leggatt, R.W.M. in 1955 was very much “Local boy” and, not surprisingly, an Agricultural Engineer. He had joined the Lodge in 1939 and he had, as always worked well on its behalf. During his year as R.W.M. there were 20 meetings of the Lodge - all Chaired by himself. 22 Candidates were Initiated during the year by the Lodge P.M.s assisted by Bros. J. Mackie S.D. and T. Mitchell and the Instruction Class. The Mark Degree was by Lodge Eaglesham, 1265 when 18 Brothers received their Mark. The Lodge twice donated £2.2.0 to the Earl Haig Fund on January and December of that year. Collections for P. G. Lodge Benevolence amounted to £3.14.9 and £5.18.6 respectively. These were made up. Average Collections reached £1.12.0 with Harmonies at £4.10.0 and Tea Fund £1.0.0. Lodge Finances were looked into and the Byelaws amended to increase the Initiation Fee by £1.1.0 to £8.8.0. £100 was also transferred from Current Account to Savings Account and Lodge Insurance increased from £2,500 to £5,000. Hall lets were amended to read new rates: £2.10.0 from 6 pm - 12 midnight with 8/- per hour prior to 6 pm. Painting to outside of Lodge was agreed at cost of £30.5.0, a new Gas Cooker ordered at a cost of £23. A number of Office Bearers Aprons were bought at this time. The Order of the Eastern Star presented a Bible to the Lodge through Bro. Wallace (Snr.).

The R.W. M. charged Bro. Wallace to thank the O.E.S. on behalf of the Lodge. Mrs. Leggatt was also thanked by the Lodge for a Gift of a Cover for the Secretary's Table and Hood-winks. A Masters

Chair, not required by the Lodge, was presented to Lodge The Royal Stuart No. 1414. An Annual Ball was held and voted a success, as was a visit to Hamilton Mausoleum.

At a Special Meeting in April Distinguished Service Diplomas were presented to Bros. A.Y. Marshall P.M. and R. Strutt P.M. by Bro. R. Currie P.M. Sadly, however, the Obituaries were reported of Bros. Isaac Currie and Angus Calderwood, Initiates in 1902/1903. Brother T. Braithwaite, leaving to live in England, was presented with a Masonic Bible as a token of the Lodges goodwill. Prov. G/ Lodge paid its Official Visit in February and gave a clear minute to the working of Bro. Jonathan McLachlan I.P.M. Brother John Tennant received the Lodges Nomination as R.W.M. for 1956. Duly Elected he was Installed in the December by Bros. A. Anderson and J. Mackie (Snr.) P.M.s. Bro. James Leggatt vacated the Chair, but, as with others before him, his Service to the Lodge would go on for many more years.


In 1956 Brother John Tennant R.W.M. had Bros. J. Parkhill as Secretary and R. Glendinning, Treasurer. The R.W.M. chaired all of the 19 Meetings held and 19 new Members joined the Lodge.

Brother J. Downie P.M./ 557 was the one Honorary Member. Deputations were received from Lodges No. 557 and 1499 headed by their R.W.M.S. Bros. J. Coates and O'Hara respectively. The Lodge itself travelled to lodges 116, 510 and 557 on Official Visits. The R.W.M found it necessary to call on Brethren of the Lodge to form a Soclal Committee. As a result he was joined by Bros. Leggatt, G. Glendinning, J. Mackie (Jnr.), A. Bain, H. Morrison and W. Wallace (Jnr.) in forming one. Their efforts are reflected in the conducting, during the year, of a Burns Supper, Basket Whist, a Bus Run and a Children's Christmas Party. A donation of 15/- was received from the O.E.S. toward the Christmas Party. Hall charges caused some unrest among those who hired the Hall but he Lodge held firm. The local Legion and the O.E.S. were granted the use of the Hall Free on at least some specific occasions. Some consideration was given to requesting the Let or Sale of ground adjacent to the Lodge by E.K.D.C. This however was not proceeded with. A Bro. Robinson was thanked by the R.W.M. for his labours in making an Aprons Cupboard in the Hall. Lodge No. 1414 wrote to thank the Lodge for the gift of the Masters Chair. A number of Brethren reported sick during the year included Bro. A. Y. Marshall, A. Anderson, A. McMillan and J. McLachlan. Lodge Benevolence was in £20 and £5 to 2 Brothers respectively and £2.2.0. to the Earl Haig Funds. Average Collections through the year were; General £2.0.10, Tea £1.2.0 and Harmony £4.3.0.

Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual Visit in February. A ''Clear Minute'' was inscribed but the Financial Statement had to be re-written to adjust some clerical errors. The New Regalia, cost £148, was Dedicated in October by Rev. Bro. Philp of Lodge No. 27. The death of Bro. R. Strutt, P.M. holder of a distinguished Service Diploma, occurred on 20th April. This led to a Masonic Funeral in traditional manner, when the R.W.M. and the Rev. W. Wright, P.G.C. officiated. 9 P.M .s. and a number of Bros. attended. The death was also reported off Bro. J. Richardson who joined Lodge in 1898.

Brother George Glendinning was Elected R.W. M. for 1957 and, in December was Installed by his father, Brother Robert Glendinning P. M., assisted by Brother David Shearer P.M. At Grand Lodge

Bro. Lord MacDonald had ended his 4 years as Grand Master and was succeeded by Archibald, The Earl of Eglinton and Winton.


Brother Geo Glendinning, in l 957, held 21 Meetings all but one of which he was able to Chair. Degree work was carried out regularly by the Lodge Brethren assisted by visitation from Lodges 116, 1265 and Sandyford, and as a result 29 Candidates were initiated. There was also 1 Affiliate. The Mark Degree was in the hands of Bro. R. Glendinning P.M. Treasurer who advanced 19 Brothers to that Degree.

An invitation was received to the 150th Anniversary of Lodge No. 215 Strathaven. Grand Lodge issued several new edicts during the year. One that the maximum number of Degrees in one year be 25 and the other that the Minimum Joining Fee be raised to £10.10.0. The Minimum Test and Mark Fees be 10/- and 5/- respectively and that Life Membership be 10 times the Lodge Test Fee. Lodge

Collections through the Year were as follows: General £2.0.0, Tea £1.3.0, Harmony £5.4.0. For Provincial and Grand Lodge Benevolence the sums of £2.18.0 and £8.15.2 were collected respectively.

Lodge Benevolence lay in the Sums of £10, £15 and £20 to respective Brethren and to the Earl Haig Fund £2.2.0. The re-installation of Bro. R. McMenemy by Lord McDonald, Past Grand Master took place at Renfrew on l 8th April. The R.W.M., S.W., J.W. Secretary and Treasurer were sent by the Lodge to represent them at this event. Provincial Grand Lodge Annual Visit to Lodge St Andrew was on 12th March when a “Clear Minute'' was recorded. Brother R. Glendinning P. M./ 524 was, by then Provincial Grand Standard-Bearer. The Obituaries of 2 P.M.s were reported - Those of Bros. H. Barr and Jas. Mackie (Snr). Brother Mackies' Funeral was a Masonic one at which the R.W.M . and the Rev Bro. Philp of Lodge St. Mungo No. 27 Officiated. A report was received that Brother G. Cruickshank of Lodge St. Andrew had become the R.W. M. of Lodge Montclair No. 1415 S.C. in Durban. Brother Secretary was directed to send the Congratulations of the Lodge to Bro. Cruickshank. And, on 16th April, at a Special Meeting a Distinguished Service Diploma was presented to P.M. Bro. Robert Currie, by P. M. Brother J. Shedden.

A proposal to change Lodge meeting night to a Monday was defeated and a request for a Sunday let of the Hall refused. It was agreed to purchase 25 Master Mason aprons and a Cupboard to contain

Glassware. The Purchase of a Table light for Secretary's Table was not necessary as one was gifted by P.M. Bro. J. McLachlan. This ended a successful year for Bro. G . Glendinning who was destined still to serve many years in the Ledge. Bro. Jas. Mackie, Jnr. was Elected R .W. M. for the year 1958. His installing Master was P.M. Bro. A . Anderson assisted by P.M. Bro. J. Tennant . Brother Mackie, R

.W. M. in his maiden speech urged Brethren of the lodge to attend Lodge Instruction Class.


1958, a year in which 22 meetings of the Lodge were held, saw Bro. Jas. Mackie in the Chair on every occasion. 26 New Members and 3 Affiliates joined the Lodge in that year. The Affiliates were Bros. I .

Bayne, J. Cantley and J. F. Nicol of whom more anon. At the First Degrees conferred by P.M. Bro. J . Tennant in February that year, Bro D. MacDonald was Initiated. Brothers I. Hutchison, W. Thomson,

A. Ralston and T. Peacock made up the group Initiated that evening. Degree Working that year was assisted by Deputations from Lodges 116, Bro. Clark R.W.M. and No. 458 Bro. A. Aitken, R.W.M.

The Mark Degree in 1958 was in May and 26 Brothers were advanced by P.M . Bro. A. Anderson. The Deaths were reported of Bros. J. Young and N. Anderson initiated 1888 and 1902. Lodge benevolence was of payments of £10 to a Brother and of £20 to a Widow. Collections for Provincial and Grand Lodge Benevolence realized the sum of £2.5.0 and £6.16.0. Both were made up by the Lodge to £15.15.0. Lodge Collections averaged; General £2.15.0, Tea £1.11.0 and Harmony £6.6.0. It was agreed to Increase Lodge Insurance cover to £7000 and to transfer £150 from General to Investment Account. The Lodge Hall-keeper Bro. A. McMillan, retiring, was replaced by Bro. W. Wallace, Snr. The E.K.D.C. announced New Plans for Roads and Buildings in the area and some concern arose about a Boundary Wall. Two interesting Brothers were amongst the many visitors to the Lodges; Bro. Larsen of Lodge No. 852 Illinois U.S.A. and Bro. H . King of Lodge Liberation No. 674 Australia.

In response to a Grand Lodge communication Bro. H . King received the Fellow Craft Degree on the evening of his visit to Lodge St. Andrew. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Official Visit in March and recorded a “Clear Minute'' to Bro. G. Glendinning for his year in Office. On November 25th the Lodge received its first communication from the Proposed New Lodge in East Kilbride. (Later to become Lodge Douglas No. l 557. of which, more is to follow.) The Purchase of Card Tables and Roof Repairs were agreed. Bro. T. Mitchell was Elected R.W.M and Installed by P.M.s Bros. A. Anderson

and J. Tennant in the December. Brother Tom's Election to R.W.M. was a particularly happy and well-supported one as he was a Brother much loved by all.


Brother Mitchell, in his year as R.W. M., 1959, held 22 Meetings, Chaired all and entered 25 New Members. 2 Brothers Affiliated to the Lodge and 21 received their Mark at the hands of Bro. A. Anderson P.M. In the Working of Degrees the R.W.M. was well served by the Lodge P.M.s together with Bros. T. Greig, J. Dunn, J. D. Pryde and J. Bayne. Lodges 116, 458 and 1194 visited the Lodge and conferred Degrees, the latter 2 being headed by their R.W.M.s. Bros. Lees and Wood, respectively. Bro. Jonathan McLachlan P.M. became Lodge Almoner and was given 6 Assistants to endeavour to cover the Lodges increasing area. Benevolence in this year was of £5 to the Daughter of a deceased Brother. Collections for Provincial and Grand Lodge Benevolence Reached £3.6.1 and £9.12.4 respectively.

Each was made up to £15.15.0. Average collections in the Lodge were; General £3.15.0 and Tea £2.4.0. New Entries appearing at this time were “Lodge Social Income“. The average received over 6

Meetings was £25.11.0. The Erection of the Proposed New Lodge proceeded apace. Lodge St. Andrew with Lodge St. John, Busby had supported the Application for a Charter. This the new Lodge received in May - their number being 1557 and their name, Lodge Douglas. Lodge St. Andrew, having approved a let of their Hall to Lodge Douglas, in the January, for the 3rd Friday of each month were asked in February to change this to every and Friday, from the September. As this conflicted with other Regular Bookings the arrangement lapsed. In the September a request was received from the new Royal Arch Chapter in the Town, East Kilbride No. 781, for the let of the Hall on each and Friday of the Month. This was agreed and taken up. Proposals made in Lodge at this time called for it to be extended if possible. It was agreed to contact the E.K.D.C. with a view to acquiring more ground adjoining. The setting up of a Building Fund was referred to the Finance Committee. Enquiries had also been received from E.K.D.C. with regard to the demolition of the Lodges Old Cottage, now in a state of disrepair. The obituaries were reported of no less than 5 Brothers in 1959. Brothers A. Arthur, W. Young (Initiated 1891), G Wallace, W. Wallace (Snr) and T Pettigrew P.M. The Funeral of Bro. T. Pettigrew was a Masonic one at which the Rev. Bro. W. Wright Officiated. On a happier note we find recorded the appointment of Bro. R. Currie P. M. as a Steward at Grand Lodge and a visit from a Bro. R. Stibbings of Lodge No. 6442 E.C., who was Provincial Grand Deacon in Warwickshire. The Instruction Class arranged a lecture by Bro. R. Kemp P.M./ 1265 on the Compass Club and Invitations were received to attend Lodge Douglas, and also to the Dedication of a Masters Chair to the Memory of the Rev. Bro. D. Seath P. M./ 1265.

Provincial Grand Lodges Annual Visit in February led to a Clear Minute for 1958. The Provincial Grand Master Bro. R. McMenemy urged the Lodge to revive their Annual Divine Service. This they did, along with Lodges 458 and Langside when the attendance was high. The Election in November gave Bro. W. H. Wallace the office of R.W.M. in 1960. And in December he was installed by Bros.

G. Glendinning and R. Glendinning P.M.s. A request to Provincial Grand Lodge for permission to wear Regalia at the Annual Dance was not granted. Lodge Hallkeeper was now Bro. C. Limmond.


Brother William Wallace in his year as Master conducted 18 Regular and 6 Special Meetings. He Chaired them all and introduced 27 New Members. 4 Brothers were also Affiliated at this time. Degree working was carried out by the Lodge P.M.s assisted by a variety of other Brethren. Amongst these were The Masonic Pipers from Lodge Livingstone No. 599 with Bro. Moore P.M in charge; Lodge Abercrombie No. 1430 headed by Bro. A. Watson P.M. and from East Kilbrides new Lodge: Lodge Douglas No. 1557 with its R.W.M. Bro. D. S. Reid. Also from Lodge 557, Bro. Bauchop R.W.M. and Lodge 458 Bro. A. G. Murray R.W.M. The Degree conferred by Lodge No. 458 was by Bro. James Orr P.M. Two Mark Degrees were conferred in this Calendar year by P.M.s Bros. A. Anderson and R. Glendinning.

The Lodge Extension continued to cause concern to the Lodge with Plans drawn up, rejected and re-drawn. At the end of the year Brethren were loath to accept the verdict of a Mr. Dick that the Lodge was not suitable for Extension and Renovation and that they should consider a completely new building. Donations received for the Building Fund included £7.2.0 from a Bro. R. McGill and £60 from the “St.Andrews Circle Club”. A Bazaar held during the year, and opened by Mrs. Barr, realized £116.2.1. The Heating Boiler, faulty was agreed to be repaired at a cost of £20. Lodge Collections averaged £3.18.0 per meeting and Tea Fund £2.11.0. Income from the Social Side averaged £23.14.0. Lodge Annual Balls held in the Stuart Hotels was reported successful and a Bro. G. Allison reached Second Place in the Provincial Golf Competition. The Lodge conducted its own Divine Service in November but unfortunately attendance was poor. The Obituaries were reported of Bros. R. Leggatt and of R. Allan P.M. Lodge Douglas No. l 557 invited Lodge St. Andrew to attend Lodge Douglas in February and to visit again in the Month of May to confer the Mark Degree. In turn Lodge Douglas visited Lodge St. Andrew in October and conferred the F.C. Degree. At this meeting Lodge St. Andrew presented a braided ribbon of the Lodge for Lodge Douglas's Standard and received in return, from Lodge Douglas, a silver-plated Trowel.

Provincial Grand Lodge gave a “clear minute'' for the previous years working at their visit in February. A collection taken for Provincial Grand Lodge Benevolence (£3.2.6) was augmented to £15.15.0.

At the Election in November, Bro. J. B. Parkhill, for 13 years lodge Secretary, was Elected R.W.M. for 1961. The new Lodge Secretary was P.M. Bro. J . Leggatt. The Grand Lodge Benevolent

Collection is not recorded but a report is given of a Grand Lodge Annuity of £50 per year to a Lodge Widow. At Grand Lodge the Office of Grand Master was now occupied by Bro. Andrew, 11th

Earl Elgin and 15th Earl Kincardine.


Brother John Parkhill, R.W. M., chaired all but 2 of his 22 meetings held in 1961. New members totalled 27 and 2 Brothers Affiliated to the Lodge; Brothers T. Harrison and A. Fraser. 11 Brethren received their Mark at the hands of P.M. Bro. G. Glendinning. Degree Working during the year was carried out by the Lodge P.M.s assisted by Bros. R. McLaren and H. Morrison and also by Lodges 116 and 1557. A Unique First Degree took place in September when no less than 6 R.W.M .s, all resident in East Kilbride, took part! These were; Bros. Fawcett, 1536; Anderson, 215; Foster, 592; Gilmour, 332; Crozier, 1231; and Hamilton, 1520. Having recourse now to secretary's Annual Report we learn that Lodge Average collection was £3.10.0 per meeting and attendance 76. This was a considerable reduction on the previous years working. The Social Fund Balance for the year was £29.7.5 and the Building Fund had reached £358. Benevolent Grants by the Lodge were to a Brother £5, to the Masonic Homes £5. to the Earl Haig Fund £2.2.0 and to Provincial and Grand Lodges £20 and £50 respectively. Provincial Grand Lodge made their visit in February and inscribed a “Clear Minute'' for Bro. W. Wallace's year as Master. The P.G.M. Bro. R. McMenemy announced his retiral after 11 years in Office. Lodge St. Andrew subsequently voted Bro. H. Blain as his successor. Grand Lodge directed that the Minimum Fee for Initiation be £12.12.0. Lodge replays were revised and it was agreed to include a Section on Recommendation and Nomination Meetings and also to declare free of further contributions those Brethren who had paid Test Fees for 21 consecutive years. The “Gable-end'' dispute ended when the occupants of the House adjacent agreed to repair it by themselves, as did the “Boundary Fence'' one when E.K.D.C. agreed to erect a Chesspole Fence. Lanarkshire County Council having communicated their findings with regard to Lodge Building Plans caused yet another set of these to be abandoned. The Lodge nevertheless requested again the lease of land adjacent to the Lodge, to the North and East, from the E.K.D.C. A Building “Action Committee'' was formed at this time consisting of Brothers A. Anderson P. M., J. Leggatt P.M. and Brother T. Greig S.W. In the Lodge the Brethren unfortunately continued to receive “cold comfort'' as the New Boiler had still not solved the Hall Heating problem.

Brother Thomas Greig received the Lodges Nomination as R.W. M. for 1962. Duly Elected he was Installed R.W.M. in December by Bros. Jonathan McLachlan P.M. and D. Shearer P.M. Brother J. Leggatt P.M. continued as Lodge Secretary.


Luckily for the Lodge in l 962 Bro. T. Greig was a better Master than he ever was a Singer. With this assessment we are sure he will be happy to agree. He Chaired all of his 23 Meetings, enjoyed an average attendance of 79 and there were 23 New members in that year. 2 Brothers Affiliated and there were 2 Honorary Members Bros. Blain and Denholm of Provincial Grand Lodge. Assisting the R.W.M. in Degree working were the Lodge P.M.s with Bros. D, Marshall, N . Robb, A. Fraser and W. Carrick. Lodges No. 116 and 1557 also conferred degrees whilst led by Bros. T. Black and Q. Watt respectively. The Mark Degree in May was by P.M . Bro. A. Anderson when 21 Bros. were advanced. The Joint Divine Service with Lodge Douglas, 1557, in April was well attended.

Lodge benevolence was extended in £10 to 2 Brothers; the Masonic Homes £3.3.0 and to Provincial Grand Lodge and Grand Lodge £15.15.0 and £25.0.0 respectively. Donations of £10, anon, and £61 from ”St. Andrew Circle Club“ brought the Building Fund to £430.4.0. The Social Fund surplus for the year was £3.1.4 having promoted a Theatre Night and Dinner Dance amongst other Functions.

The Passing of 2 P.M.s of the Lodge occurred in 1962. Those of Bros. I. Mitchell and A. Y. Marshall. Bro. A. Y. Marshall received a Masonic Funeral at which the Rev. W. Wright Officiated.

Bros. H. Blain P.G.M. and W. Binnie P.G.S.M. attended. Bro. H. Blain of Provincial Grand Lodge had been Installed P.G.M. in February when Bro. R.McMenemy reached the end of 11 years service as

P.G.M. Provincial Grand Lodge visited the Lodgc in March declaring a “Clear M inute” and again in May when the P.G.M. dedicated the New Altar and Wardens Boxes donated by Bro. Jas. F. Nicol.

A noted visitor during the year was a Brother K. Buchanan from the Friendly Isles. 2 Brothers of the Lodge, Bros. Hood and Hickinson, leaving to live in South Africa, received Masonic Bibles as tokens of Friendship and Mementoes from Brethren of the Lodge. The E.K.D.C. offered a strip of land at the rear of Hall - some 40 square yards - to the Lodge. It was agreed to purchase this land. In December a Special Meeting to consider Lodge rebuilding plans was held. Lodge treasurer reported that some £1850 could be made available for this purpose. It was agreed to propose a Deed of Covenant to

Lodge Members, and New Plans were called for once more. The Brethren Elected Bro. Hugh Morrison as R.W.M. for 1963 and he was Installed in December. At this time the Lodge was Presented with a Very Fine Bible for the New Altar by Bros. McLatchie, Tudor and Fraser - all Affiliated Members of the Lodge.


Bro. Hugh Morrison chaired all of his 21 Meetings in 1963. Candidates for the year numbered 23 and there were 4 Affiliates with 3 Honorary Members. Among the Affiliates was Bro. William Carrick and the 3 Honorary Members were Bros. Binnie, Pate and the Rev. W. Wright of Provincial Grand Lodge. Degree working by the P.M.s and Lodge Members was supplemented by Deputations from

Lodges 1557, 458 and 557 with Bros. Reid, Anderson and Davie at their Heads. Arrangements were made in October to allow Bro. Major R. Aitkenhead to receive his Mark Degree at Lodge Wellington

No. 1385 S.C. Belgium. Mark tokens became available, price 3/-. The receipt of Honorary Membership by 2 Members of the Lodge were reported: Bro. J. McLachlan P.M. at Lodge Douglas 1557 and Bro. W. Grant at Lodge St. John Busby No. 458. Older members of the Lodge were glad to see the return to the Lodge, after 40 years service with the Hudson's Bay Company of Canada, by

Brother J. Gilchrist. Brother Gilchrist, now retired and residing in Renfrew, became a regular attender in Lodge and also later gifted a Portrait of the Installation of Robert Burns as Depute Master.

Other Donations in Lodge were to the Building Fund; £27.12.0 from a group of “older members'' and £14 variously. The Fund stood at £491 at end of Financial year. New Hall Building Plans were sent to local Authority in February but had not been returned by the end of the year. The Title Deeds for the extra ground at rear of the Hall were however received. 53 replies were received from the Brethren to the inquiry sent to them about the “Covenanting” of sums to the Building Fund. Of those 41 were in favour of doing so. Brother R. Orr having conducted a searching Inventory of Lodge Clothing, reported on the same, indicating that the O.B.s jewels and sashes were in a poor state. The death was reported in October of Bro. J. Bagguley at one time Assistant Secretary to the Lodge.

The Lodge Benevolent Contributions to Provincial and Grand Lodges were £15.15.0 each.

Provincial Grand Lodge paid its Annual Visit in April when a “Clear Minute'' was inscribed. Average Attendance had been 71 and Collections £3. 19.0 per meeting. The Social Fund showed a deficit of £19.

During 1963 the Children of Lodge Members were taken to the Pavilion Theatre and a Bus Run in June proved successful. Brother James McLatchie was Elected R.W.M. by the Brethren. He was Installed by Bro. J . Maitland P.M. Lodge Ellangowan No. 716 assisted by Bro. W. Wallace P.M./ 524. A large Deputation from Lodge St. Mungo No. 27, of Glasgow, Bro. McLatchie's Mother Lodge, was present.


Brother James McLatchie, R.W. M. in 1964, had a busy and varied year. Hall re-building and plans occupied a great deal of the time of all concerned. If they did not in fact come to pass it was not for the want of trying. During the years 23 Meetings were held and the R.W.M. chaired all but one. 25 Candidates and l Affiliate were entered, the Degree work being carried out by Lodge P.M as assisted by Bros. A. McLachlan. N. McMillan and W. Carrick. Bros. J. Maitland, P.M., 716, Installing Master also conferred an F.C. Degree. Lodges Nos. 27, 458, 1265 and 1557 under their Masters Bros. Smith,

Moore, Campbell and Cameron also assisted whilst on Deputation to the Lodge. P.M. Bros. A. Anderson conferred the Mark Degree on 28 Master Masons. Lodge Average Attendance showed an increase to 78 as did Average collection to £4.12.0. The Re-building Plans, their return long awaited in 1963, came to hand in March 1964. They now, “had to go to Provincial Grand Lodge” as a courtesy it seems. In June they were declared acceptable to Lanarkshire County Council but, in August. not so by the Dean-of-Guild Court, East Kilbride. The Court called for some amendment. Estimates had in the meantime been called for and 2 were received; £3455 and £4670. These were not feasible. A further Estimate for a Building Shell, roofed, of £1974 was agreed. Brother E. McBride was to have been Clerk-of-Works. The Interior work was planned for Voluntary Labour. The Lodge, learning the restrictions under ''Certificates of Habitation'' were reluctantly obliged to abandon this latter plan.

With mixed feelings and almost by way of consolation the Interior of the Hall was repainted. The Financing of all the foregoing had not been neglected. Sums of £300 and £1000 were transferred to the Building Fund from the Hall and General Funds, respectively. The Social Committee, by the hand of P.M. Bro. W. Wallace donated £100, on 3 occasions between February and October, to the

Building Fund. Looking further to the future it was agreed to apply for a ''Club licence'' on behalf of the Lodge. The Application was duly made by the Lodge Solicitor. The use to be made of this licence was debated and agreed as for “One half-hour after each meeting“. Provincial Grand Lodge made their Annual visit in March, headed by Bro. H. Blain P.G.M. A ''Clear Minute'' was inscribed by them. Lodge Benevolence was considerable. In addition to £10 to 2 Bros. of the Lodge, ''following an examination of the Roll'' £5 was given to each of 18 “deserving cases''. Provincial and Grand Lodge received £15.15.0 each. The Deaths were reported of 2 Brothers of the Lodge - Bros. W. Young and P.M. Bro. Sir John MacDonald. Brother Sir John's Knighthood was in recognition of his services to Building.

In a drive to bring members back to the Lodge it was decided to visit as many as possible, to inquire into the reasons for absence, and to prevail upon them to return. Lodge Office Bearers were requested to clean their own Regalia and it was agreed to replace the Sashes and Gauntlets of the R.W.M. and Wardens. Brother Neil McMillan Jnr was Elected R.W. M. for 1965 by Lodge Brethren. His Installation was by P.M.s Bro. J . McLachlan and T. Greig. At Grand Lodge the Grand Master Lord Bruce ended 4 years in Office and was succeeded by Bro. Major Sir Ronald Orr-Ewing.